Before I started working at an agency, I had no idea what to expect.  I didn’t think there would be happy hour in the office, people who looked 25 but actually turn out to be 32, or two Vitamix blenders conveniently in the kitchen for smoothie making.  I also did not realize that working at an agency came with gaining a new vocabulary.

Ever since my first day at Brokaw, I’ve carried around this little brown leather journal.  I bet half the agency wonders why I carry it around, because most of the time I’m not writing anything down.  Well, one of the main reasons I carry it around is to write down all the agency lingo I hear.  I usually have no idea what these words mean, and have to later ask Kelly and Angela for an explanation, but I still write them down.  Here are the most interesting agency words I’ve heard around Brokaw:

  1. Micro video– A micro video is a short video that is 15 seconds or less. Now this word is pretty self-explanatory, but I never heard anyone say it before I heard Kelly talking about the proper length for a social video.  It’s not surprising that a micro video is appropriate for social media, considering the average person’s attention span is 8 seconds.
  2. Organic reach– Organic reach is the total of unique people who viewed a post through unpaid distribution.
  3. Geo-Targeting– Geo-targeting is targeting posts to a specific area. It allows a brand to deliver different content to particular visitors depending on their demographic.  This tool is available on Facebook and Twitter, although utilizing this tool on Twitter requires monetary compensation.

I assume when my broternship comes to an end my little brown leather journal will be filled with tons of words, notes, and probably a few doodles.

What are some agency words-to-know you’ve learned at your internship?

Until next week,
